Learning R with Dr. Hu and His Friends | 计算社会科学编程语言证书项目(R语言)

Computational Social Science Learning Certificate in Programming

July 29, 2021

I created the “Learning R with Dr. Hu and His Friends” workshop series to help students without programming background to enjoy the convenience and efficiency programming (esp. based on R) can brings to their academic lives. The workshop series include 18 episodes that covers topics from fundamental data cleaning to Bayesian analysis and machine learning. This is a year-long program and free to access by all the Tsinghua community offline and others online. I also build up an R package drhur to assist the lectures and off-course practices. One can learn how to download and use the package from here or in its own website.

The workshop series is also a part of the certificate program “Young Computational Social Scientist: R Language Programmer” granted by the Tsinghua Computational Social Science Platform.

我创立R语言工作坊旨在让没有编程基础的学生也能享受编程(尤其是R语言编程)所带来对其学业和研究的助益。 该系列工作坊包含18节课,覆盖从基础数据清理到贝叶斯分析、机器学习等各个变成应用领域。 全系列为一年期项目,免费对线下清华所有学生和教职工开放,并根据需求提供线上模式。 我同时开发了开源软件包drhur辅助教学和课后练习。详情可参见“软件”部分的 详细介绍 或者 软件网站


Preview Slides

See the preview slides of workshop from the R package drhur.