Packed ggplot2 function to present the empirical cumulative distribution functions

plotKS(comparison, ls_title)



A list of numeric vectors for distribution comparison, e.g., the records of the subjects' responses in a control-treatment experiment.


A list of three names, the first two control and treatment groups, and the third is a caption line of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test result.


A ggplot object.


# Not Run # ls_ks <- vector(mode = "list") # ls_ks$hukou <- ks.test(x = df_survey$response_migrateHK[df_survey$treat_migrateHK == 1], # y = df_survey$response_migrateHK[df_survey$treat_migrateHK == 0]) # ls_ks$benefit <- ks.test(x = df_survey$response_migrateHK[df_survey$treat_migrateHK == 2], # y = df_survey$response_migrateHK[df_survey$treat_migrateHK == 0]) # ls_ks$compare <- ks.test(x = df_survey$response_migrateHK[df_survey$treat_migrateHK == 2], # y = df_survey$response_migrateHK[df_survey$treat_migrateHK == 1]) # df_ks <- map_df(ls_ks, function(aResult){ # tibble(D = aResult$statistic, # p.value = aResult$p.value) # }) # df_ks$compared <- c("Control", "Control", "Hukou") # df_ks$comparing <- c("Hukou", "Access", "Access") # df_ks$result <- caption_plot <- paste0("Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test:", # format(round(df_ks$D, digits = 2), nsmall = 2), # " (p: ", # format(round(df_ks$p.value, digits = 2), nsmall = 2), ")") # df_ks <- select(df_ks, -D, -p.value) %>% # t %>% # as.tibble