<<<<<<< HEAD Function to interpolate a gold & black color palette. — gb_pal • drhutools

Function to interpolate a gold & black color palette.

gb_pal(palette = "main", reverse = FALSE, ...)



A character vector indicating the name of palette in gb_palettes. Available palettes:

  • main: Gold and black colors.

  • tricol: Gold, black, and dark grey to create a gradual effect.

  • digitMixed: Five-pack colors specified for digital publications.

  • printMixed: Five-pack colors specified for printed publications.

  • full: A palette including all the colors gb_cols can call.


A logic vector indicating whether the palette should be reversed; the default is FALSE.


Additional arguments to pass to colorRampPalette()


A function that takes an integer argument (the required number of colors) and returns a character vector of colors interpolating the given sequence.

======= Function to interpolate a gold & black color palette. — gb_pal • drhutools

Function to interpolate a gold & black color palette.

gb_pal(palette = "main", reverse = FALSE, ...)



A character vector indicating the name of palette in gb_palettes. Available palettes:

  • main: Gold and black colors.

  • tricol: Gold, black, and dark grey to create a gradual effect.

  • digitMixed: Five-pack colors specified for digital publications.

  • printMixed: Five-pack colors specified for printed publications.

  • full: A palette including all the colors gb_cols can call.


A logic vector indicating whether the palette should be reversed; the default is FALSE.


Additional arguments to pass to colorRampPalette()


A function that takes an integer argument (the required number of colors) and returns a character vector of colors interpolating the given sequence.

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