Shortcut for adding lines in a modelsummary table.



A character vector indicating the title of the added row.


A character vector indication the cell content in the added row.


A model project or a list of models.


a named character vector. Values refer to the variable names that will appear in the table. Names refer to the original term names stored in the model object, e.g. c("hp:mpg"="hp X mpg") for an interaction term. Coefficients that are omitted from this vector will be omitted from the table. The table will be ordered in the same order as this vector. See more details in modelsummary.


The row name that the row is going to be added above.


A data.frame (or tibble) with the same number of columns as your main table. By default, rows are appended to the bottom of the table. See more details in modelsummary.


# Not run #### # m_r2e <- map(ls_m, ~ clm(.x, data = df_r2e)) # tb_coef <- c( # "result_gap" = "Internal", # "result_gapRE" = "External" # ) # # modelsummary( # m_r2e, # coef_map = tb_coef, # add_rows = addLine(term2add = "Fixed\n Effect", # signal = "Yes", # ls_model = m_r2e, # tb_coef = tb_coef, # position2add = "Num.Obs.")) # )